These housewives are horny and they will do whatever it takes to get their needs met. Everyone knows that as a woman gets older her sex drive goes through the roof. In this these hot, horny housewives use their mouths, hands, pussies and asses to convince their men that they need to give them sex whenever they want it. We get to go along for the ride and see if these lucky bastards if they can keep up with those wild wives. So far I like what I see so let’s get inside and see it in action.
This site has a lot of content in it. With over 265 exclusive scenes there is a lot of horny housewife action to check out and enjoy. The site updates once or twice per month with new scenes so there is always hot new stuff to check out.
These wives really go the extra mile to please their man. There are plenty of wet, hot blowjobs, some wild, sexy tit fucking and all kinds of hot sex. They do a great job of finding some very hot milfs. Many of the scenes are shot POV style and they do a nice job of keeping the action fresh and interesting.
These scenes are shot in awe-inspiring HD that will knock you off your feet. It has a clarity that brings every little detail of the scene to life on your scene. You can watch these videos in online streams that are in Flash format or you can download them in WMV and MP4 formats as well as formats for different mobile devices. Along with the movies you also get access to a nice picture gallery with each scene. You can download these picture galleries in .zip files or you can check them out online. The pics are a little small, but they look really nice.
As an added bonus when you join this site you also get access to a large bonus network. There are 33 different sites in all in this network including a few other milf/housewife/mom sites among the rest of the network that covers a wide range of niches. These sites all have exclusive content and many of them also have HD videos. Across this network there is a ton of content and daily updates. This is one of the biggest, best networks out there.
Right now we can save you some money on the price of this site as well. Normally, the full price is $24.95 per month. For a limited time we can give you full access for just $17.76 per month which is a nice 29% discount just for reading this review.
There are no negatives to this site.
This is a very good site that has a lot of exclusive content, amazing looking videos and red hot action. The wives are sexy and I enjoyed watching them get down and please their men. Alone this site is well worth the great price, but when you add in the huge bonus network it makes it a no-brainer and a must see for those who love wives/milfs.